Monday, October 12, 2009


Friday was a fun-day here at DFR, we had a pie contest and lunch brought in, and it was nice to hang out with all of the employees and have some down time, while eating 8 different pies and voting on the best one! It was a slow day however, Courtney was out of the office at a BKBG (Bath and Kitchen Buying Group) conference, and Alison only had one meeting for the day, which was after lunch, so we spent some time watching a webinar and learning about different designs from the past that have helped create the designs we see today. Friday I also had a chance to discuss with Alison a little bit of how I felt about interning at DFR, which has thus far been a wonderful learning experience, but how I was a little discouraged that I hadnt been able to help design yet or really understand the way the designers here at DFR approach their design process. She understood and in return, I have recieved/granted a bit of partnership on a bathroom uplift/renovation project. I sketched out some of my ideas on Friday and today her, keith and I really focused on it and were able to nail some ideas and plans down. Below are some of the sketches, of the floor plan and perspective.
The perspective below we have chosen not to go foward with because we feel the client will have felt there was little change from their previous bathroom. The crucial points in this design, is the couple wants to keep their commode room as well as their same vanity, same wood color. So in a nutshell we are creating a new "wetzone" updating the tile, paint and countertops.

It was nice to collaborate with Alison today and to get more of a feel of how she designs and the way she approaches a design.

We meet with the clients on Thursday at 10 am to discuss options, and to further discuss their desires with their new bathroom, it will be nice to meet the clients to understand more about them and the design they desire. We will see how it goes!

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